Our values
Founded in 2020, L+LI Apparel is a small startup that holds its core values close to its heart...
Be as responsible as possible: In a world of 'fast-fashion' it is growing increasing difficult to be socially and environmentally responsible within the fashion industry but we strive to select suppliers and products that care about the planet as much as we do.
Be nice: It's a lot easier to be nice than it is to be a dickhead - we treat people (whether that be family, friends, employees or customers) as you would want to be treated.
Push ourselves to be better: Motivation can sometimes be lacking - it's at these times that we need to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off. Strive to be a better you than yesterday.
Embrace being Lost: We find ourselves when we are lost whether that be figuratively or physically - we discover what fight we have within us to tackle our next challenge head on.
Explore every adventure: Get out of your comfort zone, push yourself and see a bit more of the world!